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大家在看成为首富后,陆太太每天都想离婚 军婚:医学天才在七零靠空间开挂 全家带凳子吃瓜,真千金爆料啦 快穿:当美媚娇宿主绑定生子系统 快穿炮灰只想寿终正寝 竹马他哥一直撩我 七零:断亲后渣哥贱爹跪求我原谅 下乡小知青,成为糙汉心尖宠 你好!警察先生 二嫁军婚:虐翻前夫闪嫁最猛兵哥 
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- Analysis techniques employed to examine the crisis

- Limitations and potential biases of the study

By providing a prehensive background on the global financial crisis, this section sets the stage for the subsequent analysis and discussion in the paper "重回2008". It helps the readers understand the context and significance of the events that unfolded during that period and the subsequent impact on the global economy.

+ Global Financial Crisis

Global Financial Crisis


- Briefly introduce the topic of the global financial crisis

- Explain the significance and impact of the crisis on the global economy


- Provide a historical context leading up to the crisis

- Discuss the factors that contributed to the crisis, such as the housing market bubble, subprime mortgage crisis, and excessive risk-taking by financial institutions

Causes of the Global Financial Crisis:

1. Housing Market Bubble:

- Explain how the housing market bubble formed and its role in triggering the crisis

- Discuss the rapid increase in housing prices and the subsequent collapse of the market

- Analyze the impact of the housing market crash on financial institutions and the overall economy

2. Subprime Mortgage Crisis:

- Define subprime mortgages and their role in the crisis

- Discuss the lending practices that led to the proliferation of subprime mortgages

- Analyze the consequences of the subprime mortgage crisis on financial institutions and the economy

3. Excessive Risk-taking by Financial Institutions:

- Explain how financial institutions engaged in excessive risk-taking activities

- Discuss the role of plex financial instruments, such as mortgage-backed securities and collateralized debt obligations, in amplifying the crisis

- Analyze the impact of the collapse of major financial institutions, such as Lehman Brothers, on the global economy



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站内强推十日终焉 我在星际重着山海经 大小姐她总是不求上进 绮靡 天灾第十年跟我去种田 闪婚,矜傲机长私下好会哄 真千金断绝关系后,侯府后悔莫及 玄学亲妈归来,反派儿子立正站好 渔夫逆袭:开局救美,渔获满舱 年代文边缘人物的美好生活 姜汁撞奶糖 我走后,为什么又哭着求我回来? 修仙之我用熟练度修长生 开局十选三,召唤十神将称霸异世 祁同伟:开局跪钟小艾,绿平怒了 开局在出租屋里捡到一个亿 僵尸:在九叔世界除魔卫道 恐怖末世,我转职为SSSS天师 红楼大当家 非常权途 
经典收藏惊!天降老公竟是首富 闪婚军官后,炮灰在七零开挂逆袭 娇娇小姐回农村,痴汉手段太惊人 重生七零:宝妈有空间 穿成六零娇小姐:带空间勇闯香江 为了活命我把自己上交了 被父母赶出家门,我嫁高门子弟 退婚后大佬她又美又飒 夭寿!我家超市能穿越 满级大佬靠玄学爆红娱乐圈 顶级千金回归,马甲掉不停 离婚后,我闪嫁了首富 开局女扮男装,说好的都是兄弟呢 别人朝我扔泥巴,躺下讹他三万八 【普男快穿】气运之子你们不对劲 快穿,大佬没底线 穿成豪门弃女,她靠玄学封神 快穿冤大头的逆袭 快穿:大佬她修无情道 穿书七零,末世大佬有亿点点凶残 
最近更新离婚后我嫁给了他兄弟 一纸合同三年寡,我提离婚你疯什么 一胎两宝,冷面大佬抱着娇妻狠宠 在平行时空我成团宠又遇末世 快穿:那些年渣女渣过的大佬们 重生四零,我悄咪咪杀敌 被赶出豪门后,落魄千金杀疯了 扯证后,发现搞错闪婚对象 脱轨 荒唐!京圈太子爷非我不娶 七零戏精娇娇女,被大佬赖上不离婚了怎么办 快穿:什么时候才能混吃等死 快穿:开局手撕系统,大佬驾到 重回七零,手握医毒空间,独美 夏夜旖旎 炽热玫瑰与清冷山茶 偏轨沉沦 快穿:抢女主的男人会上瘾诶 八零换嫁后,短命老公长命百岁了 古灵精怪龙凤胎 
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