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第86章 提亚拉的青春烦恼

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“I guess she may understand why you did that to her and forgive your ruddiness. I know you whole day to learning Royal manner by staying in the castle . you followed the instruction from your sister and the chief tutor. Who name Star swirl the bearded. This technique made a parison to another, which is called immersion- the process of learning a language or skill by using only that and nothing else.”Seems like Tiara copied a conception from a textbook.

“your language skill really impress me , Tiara. Yeah. As a matter of fact, i lose interest on Royal manner. Wanna know the main reason? I don’t like focus my mind to learn rules and regulations. By the way, i like to learn things by myself. No one can force me to learn by the name of love. Those rules and regulation limited my spare time. If the queen of Equestion had a sort empathy to take way at least 1 hour from the royal schedule, i can invest these free time on light music and collecting ic books. Secondly ,these boring stuff gradually limited my ways of study. ”

“Normally I tend to go over the whole book to underline important sentences in order to summarize on a piece of pages with my words. Or call a buddy to pair up with me. We can remember those stuff through discussion. But, Regulation had nothing but lines of words. You might ask what i receive failure on immersive study? Since I have chance to practice those stuff by participating in royal event. Indeed, i received few chances in the first year of Castle Ages, i give a hoof on setting royal tableware to wait aristocrat arrive.”

“Looks like i follows the regularization and my sister suggestion, the queen should get me full-creadit on table-manner skill. However, I misplaced two forks. Another 2 mistakes are found by castle guard. So, the reported my mistake to the queen. She mad about my, blame me should pay attention at next time. I lose 20% score of that course. Which lead me dislike all the things regards to manner. My sister even forget to fort me, when i hanged on the balcony alone. As a Result, i began to skip fewer manner class to lock myself in the living room. I protested the hothead queen blames her faithful student for the reason of making small mistake. I know what she taught me and sister in class, I just cannot get over other stuff from my mind.Its end up being obsessed with it and cannot get it out from own head.”Luna made another speech.



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站内强推重生2000:从追求青涩校花同桌开始 1972,红旗招展的青春年代 心尖宠一身反骨,大佬乖乖臣服 神龙出狱 辣媳甜又娇,七零糙汉不经撩 顾总离婚后悔了,黏着前妻要复婚 愿我如星君如月之顶峰相见 仕途人生 官场:被贬后,我强大身世曝光 你一个交警,抢刑侦的案子合适吗 开局奖励双修功法,女帝说想躺平 四合院:开局就王炸!一个别想跑 四合院:我大伯父是易中海 我的模拟长生路 人在截教写日记,通天被玩坏了 武映三千道 我的1949从长白山开始 豪门枭士 四合院开局舌战群禽众人都麻了 巨人世界异闻录 
经典收藏影视生活体验录 人生副本游戏 美漫地狱之主 从人世间开始穿越 斗罗:开局召唤雷电将军 我在诸天有角色 从斗破开始的万界冒险 谍战:暗影 诸天:附魔从笑傲开始 变形金刚之闪电崛起 斗罗:修改一个字,全员人设崩了 诸天:从赌圣开始 全职法师之吾妻穆宁雪 短视频通漫威,英雄们都社死了! 向阳处的日娱 四合院:悔婚就悔婚,我无所谓的 东瀛怪谈创造时 斗破从签到开局 斗罗:不装了,我老婆是千仞雪 超人的赛亚人弟弟 
最近更新长相思夭柳,九曲红尘 和情敌网恋后,高冷酷哥你好香 我出生偏远的山村 重生后如懿成了六宫之伞 谍战:开局被郑耀仙选中 全场最佳 综漫:我的同桌有一点高冷 上演一出好戏码 月计同人迷雾事务所 魔鬼恋人之恶魔的战争 崩坏之下,我想成为一盏明星 萝莉学历有水分?那就查!查到底 猴子,我娶钟小艾你有意见 港片世界之大佬要上岸 原神之芙宁娜的倾诉之剑 怪猎:星辰之迹 赛尔号英雄传说 团宠小人参精,可爱一点怎么了 原神:水神大人想让我告白 重生校园:开局给大学校花表白 
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