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大家在看影视:流窜在诸天的收集员 我的卦金不对劲 影视:我在三十而已做曹贼 崩坏3:枯枝落叶 喜羊羊与灰太狼之黑夜之后 董锵锵留德记 斗罗:修行千里 名侦探柯南之琴酒立志传 女佛子 铠甲护世队 
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第86章 提亚拉的青春烦恼

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“Great. Sliver Spoon once revealed that the citidial of moon never take notice of bad thinks take place in our school frequently.”Diamond Tiara plained again. Seems like she just stand on the peak of high ranking for blame other without concerning.

Luna recall that she once came in third in the ranking out of thousands of students,which was a huge achievement of her,in the Equestira School of Magic, “You know what Tiara? The main aim of these rankings is to giving information to the A-level students. Otherwise, they lose the chance of those slots. After each important exam pass out, Numbers of colleague start to throw out about 100 slots to those well-behavior high school students. Normally, they limited the numbers under 80.”

“Consider to delete students who were rewarded from poor growing environment. Therefore, These colleague requires limited numbers of student get at least an 80% on this pre-exam. Once they pass this exam. No need to participate in Moon’s College Scholastic Ability Test. For a great of good, They attempted to achieve exam out of schools. The mother of moon is sentimentally attached to those students. to pursuing things they really want under the sun. For an example, i quit the school life due to an ancient. ”

“I fail my promise on get a romantic love from a girl. She is Christian. We ended on falling into a spring water of eternity. In that way ,She narrowly came up a idea to re announce her belief. We lost our way in Everfree Forest. In that case, the Equestira school of Magic clear our names in School date and make a pronouncement for letting others know. I hardly have chance to pick up what i left before crashed on the surface of the moon.”Luna relied with a dialogue, the first time Luna revealed her past to a stranger. A 16 high school teenage girl. The length is quit long, kind like a normal speech.



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站内强推重生2000:从追求青涩校花同桌开始 1972,红旗招展的青春年代 心尖宠一身反骨,大佬乖乖臣服 神豪:开局日入一万块 剑神王 厄难天书 辣媳甜又娇,七零糙汉不经撩 仕途人生 顶不住了,肆爷要持证上岗! 开局奖励双修功法,女帝说想躺平 四合院:开局就王炸!一个别想跑 我的模拟长生路 人在截教写日记,通天被玩坏了 武映三千道 快穿,我是年代文的悲惨炮灰 我的1949从长白山开始 豪门枭士 80年代剽悍土着女 综武:化身锦衣卫,狂捡属性 烟雨楼 
经典收藏影视生活体验录 人生副本游戏 美漫地狱之主 假如主神是家公司 宅魔女 东京武侠故事 斗罗:开局召唤雷电将军 谍战:暗影 全球高武之杀生得道 斗罗:修改一个字,全员人设崩了 诸天:从赌圣开始 短视频通漫威,英雄们都社死了! 向阳处的日娱 四合院:悔婚就悔婚,我无所谓的 诸天影视从小欢喜乔卫东开始 东瀛怪谈创造时 斗破从签到开局 诡秘:求职之旅 于诸天之间的旅行 让你卧底军统,你竟成了站长 
最近更新长相思夭柳,九曲红尘 和情敌网恋后,高冷酷哥你好香 我出生偏远的山村 重生后如懿成了六宫之伞 谍战:开局被郑耀仙选中 全场最佳 综漫:我的同桌有一点高冷 上演一出好戏码 月计同人迷雾事务所 崩坏之下,我想成为一盏明星 萝莉学历有水分?那就查!查到底 一年十倍,A股牛股密码 猴子,我娶钟小艾你有意见 港片世界之大佬要上岸 原神之芙宁娜的倾诉之剑 怪猎:星辰之迹 赛尔号英雄传说 团宠小人参精,可爱一点怎么了 原神:水神大人想让我告白 重生校园:开局给大学校花表白 
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