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大家在看重生飞扬年代 能让你活到年底,都是喜丧! 四合院:开局一把枪,禽兽全发慌 四合院:开局吃出一亩三分地 遭到停职,竟然被县委突击提拔 四合院:开局劝何大清再娶 2014:我要做总督 我的美人师父 人在四合院,无人敢惹 透视眼赌石,异能者的觉醒 
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"A woman, I have e to return the car." He Yuzhu opened the door and pushed an old man's bicycle in, followed by Yang Xue.

An aunt did not look at him, a pair of eyes staring at Yang Xue, then kindly ran over and took her hand, "You are the little snow, really beautiful, pillars can be really lucky."

He Yuzhu rolled his eyes, I am also a handsome guy.

"Xiao Xue, you call an old lady, I borrow the car when we tell an old man, an old lady, they are my elders, good for me."

Yang Xue called out shyly, "a aunt good."

"Oh, good, little snow sit down, the journey must be difficult, e and have a cup of tea." An old woman has been pulling Yang Xue, afraid she ran away.

He Yuzhu blushed.

"Ok, an aunt you don't busy, I am ready to send back small snow, his little uncle is still waiting at home, too late is not good."

An old lady is a little disappointed, "so say also right, can't let people wait for a long time, or it should say we don't understand the etiquette, then you quickly send the light snow back."

Looking at the back of two people, an aunt eyes are red, mumbling: "The pillar also grew up, sensible, soon to get married, really happy for him."

He Yuzhu moved the tiger bone wine into the room, casually put it under the bed, ready to e back to receive the space.

He Yuzhu locked the door and glanced at Jia's house. There was no one there. Maybe the old godmother had gone out to visit him.

He took no notice and walked to his uncle's house with the little snow.

"You go in. It's not right for me to go now. In a couple of days, I'll e here and walk around with an old man.

Yang Xue nodded and walked into the house three times.

He Yuzhu did not think much, riding to the rolling mill.

Yang Xue Xiao uncle, aunt is also very anxious, also do not know what happened in Yang Xue's home, with the two people did not agree.



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