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大家在看北派盗墓笔记 只要给我配警花,破案分分钟的事 警校刚毕业,疯狂破案,不当新人 诡医嫡女超凶,九州煞神都跪了 盗墓之红家少主的十二面相! 恐怖复苏,我以身饲鬼只为活下去 玄学小祖宗:叼奶瓶算命全家宠 民间风水集录 只要我嘴够硬,神也无法杀死我! 血孽 
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第104章 卷37

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Malone ignored her. “Of the people in that room tonight, five had definite reasons for wanting to murder Joshua Gumbril and, later, his sister. Mona McClane, Willis Sanders, Daphne Sanders, Ellen Ogletree, and Mrs. Ogletree. The same line of thought I applied to you applied to them. Before Gumbril was killed, there must have been papers in that box relating to the killing of the first Mrs. Sanders and to the Ellen Ogletree kidnapping. Possibly, something relating to Mrs. Ogletree’s personal-information service.” He explained to Mona McClane what he had learned from Max Hook. “When I opened the box, only that marriage certificate was there. The Ogletree papers were missing because they were the reason Gumbril was killed. The Sanders papers were missing because Ellen took them to use in blackmailing Willis Sanders into giving her boy friend a job. Anything about Mrs. Ogletree was missing because she was Ellen’s mother.”

乔治?布兰德从与他的杯子长时间的、恍惚的交流中回过神来。“但是那些关于第一任桑德斯夫人被杀的文件……” 他停顿了一下,咽了口唾沫,然后说,“它们对威利斯不利。”

George Brand emerged from a long, trancelike munion with his glass. “But those papers about the murder of the first Mrs. Sanders-” He paused, gulped, and said, “They’re incriminating to Willis.”

“不利是个很温和的说法,” 马龙说。

“Incriminating is a mild word for it,” Malone said.


George Brand turned pale. “If they should be found-! My God, Malone! Where are they?”

“在我的口袋里,” 小个子律师得意洋洋地说。他掏出两张用廉价纸打印的文件。“这是小乔治一直急于拿到的收据,上面写着他因参与策划绑架艾伦?奥格特里而收到了一千美元。我会把它交给他,让他烧了它 —— 在他今天下午的表现之后,他应该得到这份快乐作为奖励。” 他看着另一张纸,把它放在烟灰缸上方,然后点了一根火柴。“这是那个开枪打死第一任桑德斯夫人的人签的字,因为他是受弗雷特的雇来这么做的。”

“In my pocket,” the little lawyer said placently. He drew out two typewritten documents on cheap paper. “There’s the receipt Little Georgie was so anxious to get, stating he’d received one grand for his part in the arranged kidnapping of Ellen Ogletree. I’ll give it to him and let him burn it-after his performance this afternoon he deserves that pleasure as a reward.” He looked at the other paper, held it over the ash tray, and set a match to it. “That was signed by the man who shot and killed the first Mrs. Sanders because he was paid to do so by Fleurette.”



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经典收藏十日终焉 相亲节目表白被拒,逮捕女嘉宾 镇龙棺,阎王命 惊悚游戏:女诡怎么都是我前女友 这场狩猎游戏,屠夫们将亲自下场 我有一本种尸养诡经 盗墓:长生从穿越成吴二白的儿子 九叔:糟糕,我的系统又不服了 英伦神探,开局破获碎尸案 掐指一算,你是逃犯! 百鬼末世:我成了最强御鬼师 盗墓:七岁小爷,开局发丘天官 轮回者刚退休,又进惊悚游戏? 宿舍求生,我被拉进了管理群 老弟,你是警察,不是暴徒啊 东北民间奇闻怪谈 山城女警之破案如神 开局百亿惊悚币,豪拍妖艳女鬼王 活人勿近 都市神警:从暑假开始的破案天王 
最近更新月隐苍海之冥界使者 为了功德,边吐血边直播算命 包青天之邪案 恐怖 成为张家族长,小哥在我手下打工 消失的情人 搜异录 茅山道士传奇2 白铃兰 玄学风水录 男变女:不老不死了,破个案咋了 七月半,嫁龙王 侦探系统:我能看到案发过程 法则之王 盗墓:换了号,怎么还被找上门 校花曝光我在殡仪馆抓鬼现场 无限:精神病女主她杀疯了 暗夜之影 神秘复苏:水墨染世 文明入侵:无限梦境 
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