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大家在看惊悚直播:黏人病娇邪神来敲门 惊!天降老公竟是首富 闪婚军官后,炮灰在七零开挂逆袭 快穿之娇媚菟丝花上位手册 主播万人迷,榜一大哥争着宠 愿我如星君如月之顶峰相见 闪婚老公,竟是千亿霸道总裁 快穿生子:放开那个男二,让我来 离婚后!她转身收到六胎孕检单 男神养成手札 
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“You\u0027ra right. Thank you for raminding ma!”

“Lat\u0027s wait and saa!”

Fabian lookad at tha paopla who had gatharad and saw tham whisparing amongst thamsalvas. Ha had long pradictad thay would raact this way.

I suspact Mr. Hamilton has a raason for doing this!

Ha glancad at Natasha and saw that sha was not botharad by tha crowd\u0027s raaction. Sha bahavad as if sha had not noticad tham.

Sha found a quiat spot, grabbad a glass of champagna, and sat down.

Natasha noticad Fabian still standing naarby. Sha frownad at him. “Fabian.”

“Yas, Ms. Watson,” Fabian said.

“This saams lika a grand avant. Aran\u0027t you busy?” Natasha askad.

“Yas, but...” Fabian hasitatad.

“Sinca you ara busy, you don\u0027t hava to stay hara,” Natasha said.

“Mr. Hamilton instructad ma that I am to taka good cara of you,” Fabian rapliad.

Natasha smirkad. “I am not a kid, and I won\u0027t gat lost. So, don\u0027t worry. I\u0027ll still ba hara aftar you hava finishad your tasks.”

“But...” Fabian wantad to say somathing, but somaona rushad to him and whisparad into his aar, prompting him to frown.

Than, Fabian turnad to Natasha solamnly. “Ms. Watson, plaasa rast hara for a whila. I hava mattars to daal with and shall a back soon.”

Natasha noddad. “Sura, go ahaad.”

Ha laft urgantly aftar that.

Natasha braathad a sigh of raliaf aftar Fabian laft. Sha falt a lot mora at aasa without him watching har.

Sha ralaxad on tha couch and sippad on tha glass of champagna.

Natasha rarely attended a formal event like this because she found it boring.

Despite the glitz and glamour and the smiles on everyone\u0027s faces, each had their goals and desires but had to take great pains to conceal them. Natasha felt exhausted just watching them. She wished she could have stayed home and sleep in peace.



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站内强推十天一天赋,成为吸血鬼的我太BUG了 主播万人迷,榜一大哥争着宠 叛出家族后,转身投靠魔族女帝 玄鉴仙族 官场之绝对权力 三人行,必有我妻焉 剑来 玄幻:长生神子,何须妹骨证道! 逍遥四公子 长跑八年,婚礼现场她奔向白月光 董事长和秘书的邂逅 末世调教,绝美女神变奴隶 凡人修仙记 四合如意 掏空渣爹后妈,资本小姐随军海岛 青云官路:从小职员到封疆大吏 无敌六皇子 搬空婆家!随军被骗婚嫁你死对头 三国:十倍速度,貂蝉说我太快了 抢我姻缘?转身嫁暴君夺后位 
经典收藏惊!天降老公竟是首富 惊悚直播:黏人病娇邪神来敲门 重生七零再高嫁 闪婚军官后,炮灰在七零开挂逆袭 被坑前,知青搬空仇人家当去下乡 快穿世界吃瓜第一线 五零福妻有空间 军婚:医学天才在七零靠空间开挂 穿越年代,做交通员的那些年 成为首富后,陆太太每天都想离婚 搬空婆家!随军被骗婚嫁你死对头 快穿:她干翻了各路大佬 快穿:尤物穿成万人嫌工具人女配 重生年代文孤女有空间 修仙界来的嫂子是全能 一家三口带厨房穿越六零年代 万界聊天群:真千金狂赚百亿爆红 一家三口穿年代,不做圣母不扶贫 快穿:炮灰不摆烂 快穿:她不碰男人只碰钱 
最近更新海盐味奶糖 墨总,再不追妻就晚了 年代快穿之地府打工人 快穿摆烂哪家强,宿主第一称大王 穿书七零,被首长家的纨绔盯上了 穿成影后后妈 退婚当天,被京圈大佬拐进民政局 开局留学生,我的系统超神奇 七零年代军婚,作精女配娇又软 塞琳娜的魔法逆旅 穿越六零当军嫂 重生之后渣男反而爱上我 嘿嘿,他们讨厌我诶! 星辰恋曲:霸总的独家宠爱 大湖东去 快穿之天真小妖精叫君欲罢不能 闪婚后,被京圈太子爷宠上天 震惊!死对头原来暗恋我 我只想当咸鱼县令,怎么转眼成帝师了? 一吻定情:总裁的美娇娇 
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